Craig Mod does a much better job than I did a few posts back in articulating what is so special and revolutionary about Marco Arment's The Magazine, which Mod cites as an exemplar of what he dubs …
Free swim in the workplace: 37signals gives over June to creativity
One of my favorite companies -- 37signals -- just moved up another notch in my estimation, declaring the entire month of June as an opportunity for experimentation and, apologies to Merlin Mann, …
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User Experience is important: Reason #65398
I have a last-minute trip to New York this week. Because this is the season, apparently, of $750 hotel rooms when you book them late, I decided instead to save some money and make it an up-and-back …
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“What problem are you solving?”
This is a link to the most useful post I've read in ages. Ostensibly, it's about how Mark Wahlberg "cut some corners" to make his magnificent "The Fighter" movie. But it's really about how to focus …