As I’ve been doing all my journalism-related posting at Nieman Journalism Lab, and my higher-ed posting hasn’t yet ramped up here, my blog has gotten cobwebby in the past month.
So, this list of what I’ve been up to lately. I’d be honored if you follow any or all of the links below. You can also find all my posts aggregated on one page at Nieman Lab as well.
More here soon, including a long-promised (to myself, at least) redesign.
- I reported on a great new weekly podcast with Dave Winer and NYU’s Jay Rosen called “Rebooting the News.”
- I reported from a talk by Baltimore Sun editor Monty Cook where he said, among other provocative things, the days of 6-part series may be numbered. “Watergate was beat reporting, not a series.”
- I took on David Carr, of all people, for his drumbeat in favor of paid content.
- I started a robust discussion by suggesting that the backlash against the DiggBar was a sign that users are much more in control than the publishers.
- I chided the Los Angeles Times for their front page fake news article advertising, not because it was bad journalism, but because it was bad advertising.
- I suggested a few items that were missing from Dean Singleton’s speech to the Associated Press. Stuff like vision. And ideas.
Thanks for reading.
I continued on my soapbox rant against useless and insulting robolinks at news web sites.
I agree with you