A very wan “Yay”
I just collected thirty-four fake dollars by correctly forecasting that this would be the year that a daily paper would shut down.
Jeff Jarvis posted the question a while back on Hubdub. It’s just been settled with the shuttering of the New York Sun.
This is not a contest I’d hoped to win.
Added for clarity: Jeff’s question talks about a daily with circulation of 50,000. I believe he meant paid circulation, but the question is not explicit on this point. Wikipedia: “…according to April 2007 article in The Nation, its [the Sun’s] own audit indicates that “the Sun is selling 13,211 hard copies a day and giving away more than 85,000.”
It is indeed a sorry day. Unfortunately, it is very likely to be the first of many with cyclical and structural advertising shifts conspiring to hammer the local newspaper business model. It is a great time for news but a terrible time for papers.
It is indeed a sorry day. Unfortunately, it is very likely to be the first of many with cyclical and structural advertising shifts conspiring to hammer the local newspaper business model. It is a great time for news but a terrible time for papers.
It is indeed a sorry day. Unfortunately, it is very likely to be the first of many with cyclical and structural advertising shifts conspiring to hammer the local newspaper business model. It is a great time for news but a terrible time for papers.